What is a Dunkin’ Donuts Turbo Shot?

Dunkin' coffee with a turbo shot
A cup of Dunkin’ coffee.

QUESTION: What is a Dunkin’ Donuts Turbo Shot? Someone was telling me that’s how they always order their coffee there, but I don’t know what that means. – Ellie Y

CLEARLY COFFEE REPLIES: Basically, a Dunkin’ Donuts Turbo Shot just means that they are adding an extra shot of espresso to the coffee drink, which makes it a bit bolder in taste and gives it a little bit more caffeine. If you’ve heard of a red eye at Starbucks, that is what they call a coffee with an extra shot of espresso added to it. (Keep reading past the screenshot below!)

Dunkin' Turbo Shot added to a Midnight coffee

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What kind of espresso machine does Dunkin’ Donuts use?

Dunkin' Donuts espresso machine by Schaerer
You can see that the back of the machine is branded Schaerer at this Dunkin’ shop where I went to look up the answer to your question.

QUESTION: What kind of espresso machine does Dunkin’ Donuts use? I ordered an Americano there recently and it was good. – Randy U

CLEARLY COFFEE REPLIES: Dunkin’ Donuts has invested in high-quality commercial espresso machines that you get a great cup of coffee every time you visit, even if the employee isn’t necessarily a pro barista. They use a Swiss-made commercial espresso machine called the Schaerer Ambiente that is a superautomatic that does most of the work for you.

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Black Rifle Coffee Shop near I-75 Central Expressway Review

Black Rifle coffee company shop

I was recently driving south from Plano on I-75 Central Expressway when I noticed a Black Rifle Coffee shop just off the side of the highway in a small shopping center. I exited and circled back to check it out. I had heard of the coffee brand, but didn’t realize that they also had actual coffee shops.

Black Rifle Coffee Company was founded around 2014, but has grown and since gone public so you can even buy their stock. I had no idea they were that big!

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Scooter’s Coffee Drive Through Review

Scooter's Drive Through Coffee Shop on W Parker in Plano
Scooters Coffee drive through location on W Parker

by Lars H

I was driving through Plano on W Parker Road last weekend when I saw a drive through coffee shop I’d never seen before called Scooter’s Coffee. I guess you can tell I don’t spend a lot of time in Plano (I’m from nearby Dallas), because I quickly also noticed that their sign says the company was established way back in 1998!

The Scooter’s Coffee location I visited was drive through only. There was no seating area at all, and no walk up window, unlike some drive thru chains like Dutch Bros. or 151 Coffee, which are within 5 or 10 miles from this location.

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