Welcome to ClearlyCoffee.com, your one-stop destination for everything related to coffee. We review coffee roasts, gear, brewers, and accessories.
We also enjoy trying out regular coffee, and review it. We’re talking about coffee from gas station, restaurants, and more.
Our Mission
Our mission at ClearlyCoffee.com is to help a million people enjoy better coffee everyday by recommending the best coffee roasts and gear for their preferences.
We aim to fulfill our mission by:
- Educate our audience about coffee, such as terminology, regions, or brewing techniques.
- Writing reviews of many coffee roasts, be it regular or specialty.
- Review and sample coffee from regular places such as gas stations, mom-and-pop shops, even fast food restaurants.
- Try out coffee gear and accessories ourselves and sharing our thoughts about them.
Our Story
ClearlyCoffee.com was born out of the passion for coffee by our founder, Lars. Lars is a huge coffee enthusiast, having sampled coffee beans from many regions around the world. Lars has also completed the Specialty Coffee Association (SCA) Introduction To Coffee course.
Today, ClearlyCoffee.com serves thousands of visitors daily, who rely on our coffee reviews to help them shop for their next coffee roasts and coffee gear.
Who We Are
ClearlyCoffee.com is made up of a team of passionate coffee heads:
Lars H
Lars H is the coffee loving founder of Clearly Coffee. His current superautomatic machines of choice at home are his Jura Ena 4 for regular coffee and a Krups superautomatic for decaf. He also has a grinder, a Chemex and an Aeropress sitting around, ready to go. Lars H completed the Speciality Coffee Association Intro to Coffee course.
Darren Oliver
Darren Oliver has travelled all over the world on his coffee tasting adventures, including Germany, Poland, Greece and Vietnam. He’s always on the road looking for his next terrific cup of coffee.
Our Responsibility
At ClearlyCoffee.com, we believe in maintaining the highest standards of editorial integrity. Our guiding principle is to put the quality of information first.
👉 We focus on evidence-based content. When we review coffee or gear, we actually test and sample them.
👉 We are transparent with sponsorships, especially when we review anything we receive from sponsors.
👉 We regularly revisit and update our pages with the latest information.
We also maintain a strict policy when accepting sponsorships to avoid having to compromise out editing independence, and creating any conflicts of interest.
What’s Next?
If you actually read this page, we know you really care about your coffee. What about starting your coffee exploration with us here?
Coffee Explanations – We explore coffee terminology, issues and brewing here.
Restaurant Coffee – We review regular coffee here, from gas stations to fast-food restaurants.
Contact Us
Want to reach out with ideas, have questions for us, or just wanting to say hi? Drop us a message here.
Clearly Coffee
2266 Monitor Street
Dallas, TX 75207