What Is Laurina Coffee? (Bourbon Pointu)

QUESTION: Many might know that caffeine is not recommended during pregnancy. So, when the barista behind the bar was asked about decaffeinated options, he replied that he did not have strictly decaffeinated coffee, but could offer a low-caffeinated variety called Laurina. This sparked curiosity. What is this variety and how much caffeine does it have? – Eva U

DARREN OLIVER AT CLEARLY COFFEE REPLIES: No wonder you haven’t heard of Laurina coffee! It’s a relatively unknown variety (although it was discovered over 200 years ago) and it’s only just coming into wider consciousness in the coffee world.

Laurina is a variety that contains much less caffeine than standard coffee. It’s also… incredibly delicious, as evidenced by the fact that it helped Swiss barista Emi Fukahori win the 2018 Brewers World Cup. Laurina is an extremely fascinating variety: so let’s delve into its history, find out what it tastes like, how to brew it, and, most importantly, learn the answer to the question: how much caffeine does it have?

History of the Laurina Variety

Laurina Coffee was discovered as early as the 18th century on the island of Réunion, near Madagascar. It can also be found under another name – Bourbon Pointu, which refers to the “pointy” shape of the leaves of the coffee plant on which the variety grows. The name “Laurina,” on the other hand, comes from the plant’s similarity to laurel plants. The scientific name is Coffea arabica var. laurina.

After its discovery in the 18th century, the variety was forgotten for a while – it proved more productive to grow other varieties. Before that, however, it found its way to other countries around the world. It was thanks to this that in 2002 the variety was saved from oblivion in Costa Rica by the Doka Estate farm – a member of the family that owns Doka Estate, Edgardo Alpizar, an agronomy undergraduate found the plant, allowing it to cultivate the rare variety.

Since then, Laurina has gradually begun to gain popularity. The Maison du Laurina farm – established on the island of Réunion, the variety’s birthplace – has even created a small museum showcasing the history of Laurina coffee.

What Does Laurina Coffee Taste Like?

Finally, the time has come to answer the burning question – does this rare variety, in addition to its lower caffeine content, also have an extraordinary taste? The answer is yes! Laurina coffee is unlike any other coffee variety in terms of flavor. 

So what can you expect when you decide to buy a packet of Laurina coffee? First of all, it is much more delicate than common arabica varieties, and it is also characterized by a pleasant, low acidity. Its texture is much creamier, almost buttery. It also tends not to have any bitterness.

How Much Caffeine Does Laurina Coffee Contain?

The time has come to answer the most important question of this article. What has gained in the popularity of the Laurina variety is, first of all, its low caffeine content. How much caffeine exactly does Laurina Coffee contain in it? A standard 250-milliliter cup of Laurina Coffee will contain 50 milligrams of caffeine. Is that a lot? Well, that’s four times less than is contained in a cup of standard Arabica, which has between 18-220 milligrams of caffeine, and as much as five times less than a cup of coffee brewed using robusta.

How To Brew Laurina Coffee

You’ve already bought your delicious packet of Laurina Coffee. How do you brew it? The same way as any other coffee! Laurina Coffee, thanks to its delicacy, will be perfect for pour-over methods or AeroPress. However, don’t be afraid to experiment! You may be able to discover a recipe for delicious espresso with Laurina Coffee!


Laurina Coffee is a phenomenon that is slowly making its mark in the world of high-quality coffee. As the World Brewers Cup proved, the low caffeine content is not the only reason to reach for this interesting, little-known variety. Its amazing, complex flavor is another great reason to try Laurina Coffee – which I strongly encourage you to do!

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