QUESTION: Can you get just an espresso shot at McDonald’s? I heard their McCafe is pretty good, but I pretty much only drink plain espresso. – Alan H
CLEARLY COFFEE REPLIES: This is a good question and I didn’t know the answer, so I tried to order one and here’s what I found out.
1. If you order one of the latte drinks or an Americano, you can easily ADD one or multiple shots of espresso to your drink. No problem. You can even do it on their mobile app.
2. I initially thought you could order a separate espresso shot too, because I looked on their national menu and I saw it listed there. But it turns out that’s mostly just there as a calorie guide and not because people are able to order plain espresso shots at McDonald’s.

So no, you can’t order just a plain espresso shot at McDonald’s, but you can easily add one or multiple espresso shots to their McCafe espresso based drinks.