My Taste Test of Kicking Horse 454 Horse Power Organic Dark Roast Coffee Beans

By Nigel Ong

Coffee roasters like to give their roasts fancy names to invoke some emotional response in their drinkers. Perhaps this explains why Kicking Horse calls one of their roasts ‘454 Horsepower’. 

The question is, will the coffee really be able to perk you up and add more ‘horsepower’ to you? I picked up a bag to find out. 

I will sample and review the Kicking Horse 454 Horsepower Dark Roast in this post. I will try it as French press, pour-over, and espresso before comparing it with other relevant coffee in my collection.

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Tasting Puroast French Roast Decaf Coffee: Review, Photos

by Nigel Ong

I can be pretty sure what I want with my coffee. I like my coffee light or medium, with chocolate and nutty flavors. However, occasionally, I try something new, hoping to discover flavors that may interest me. 

It is with this interest that I picked up a bag of Puroast French Roast Decaf Coffee. Would it beat my favorite decaf dark roast so far, The Major Dickason Decaf? Let’s see.

In this post, I will sample the coffee black and with other flavorings as well before comparing it against popular dark roasts. 

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My Tasting Review of Green Mountain Sumatra Reserve Dark Roast Coffee

by Nigel Ong

I have had some of Green Mountain’s coffee, such as the Dark Magic and Breakfast Blend, and am quite happy about them. While those are more generic blends, I wonder how their single-origin coffee tastes. 

Hence, I picked up a Green Mountain Sumatra Reserve bag to try. 

In this review, I’ll brew the coffee several ways and then sample it. I’ll also compare the Green Mountain Sumatra Reserve with relevant coffees to see how it would fare.

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I Taste Tested Starbucks Komodo Dragon Blend Dark Roast Coffee: Review, Photos

by Nigel Ong

One thing I have learned about Starbucks’ roasts is to always treat them as slightly darker roasts than they originally claimed. For example, a regular medium roast is probably a medium dark roast. 

Will Starbucks Komodo Dragon Roast taste the same? I picked up this unique single-origin coffee and tried it out. 

I will review the Starbucks Komodo Dragon Roast in this post. As usual, I will brew the coffee three ways and then sample it with popular flavorings. I’ll also compare it against other light roasts and regular coffee.

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My Taste Test: Lavazza Tierra! Organic For Planet Coffee: Review & Photos

by Nigel Ong

Lavazza makes some pretty interesting roasts. Some are rough for me, like the Qualita Rosa, but there are nice ones, too, like the Qualita Oro. 

What about its more unique roasts, such as the ¡Tierra! Organic For Planet? I picked up a bag to find out. 

In this post, I review the ¡Tierra! Organic Planet. I’ll brew it three ways and then sample it before comparing it with other roasts in my stash.

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I Taste Test Tim Hortons Colombian Roast Coffee: Review & Photos

by Nigel Ong

Colombian roasts are popular for their darker, earthier, cocoa-like flavor. As a result, many roasters, including Tim Hortons, offer single-origin Colombian coffee in their lineup. 

Keen to see how Tim Hortons Colombian Roast fare against other Colombian roasts in my collection, I decided to pick up a bag to review. 

I will brew and sample the Tim Hortons 100% Colombian Roast in this review. I will also compare it with other relevant coffee in my collection before deciding if you should try this coffee.

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My Taste Test of Tim Hortons Dark Roast Coffee

by Nigel Ong

While we enjoy Starbucks and Dunkin as our default go-to coffee, Canadians have their Tim Hortons. Aside from their popular Original Blend, Tim Hortons also has various roasts. One of the more popular ones is the Dark Roast. 

I visited one of Tim Horton’s newly opened Singapore stores and picked one to review here. 

I will brew and sample the Tim Hortons Dark Roast in this post. I will also compare it with other relevant coffee in my collection before deciding if you should try this coffee.

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I visited a Luckin Coffee Shop Outside of China, in Singapore: Review & Photos

by Nigel Ong

American businesses generally can break into many countries worldwide and then do well. However, sometimes, you see some local heroes rise up and beat them back.

Jollibee beat KFC in the Philippines, VKontakte kept Facebook at bay in Russia, and now we have Luckin. This coffee chain was able to actually beat Starbucks in China, with more shops than the latter. 

Luckin recently expanded overseas, first opening in Singapore in 2022. I thought it would be cool to visit it to see what made it capable of beating out Starbucks in China. 

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I tasted Green Mountain Coffee Dark Magic Roast: Review, Photos

by Nigel Ong

Green Mountain Coffee may be one of the more affordable coffee options on your grocery shelves but never discount the roaster. 

My previous review of the Green Mountain Breakfast Blend is surprisingly quite pleasant, which made me think of trying another of its roasts again, this time the Dark Magic Dark Roast. 

In this post, I brew the Green Mountain Dark Magic Roast in three ways before sampling the coffee black and with flavorings. I will also compare it with other relevant coffee in my collection before deciding if you should try this coffee.

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