Starbuck Box of Coffee: The Traveler. Here’s Exactly What You Get (Photos)

Starbucks traveller box of coffee and everything it comes with
Here’s what the Starbucks traveler looked like when I brought it home and set everything out so you can see what’s included.

by Lars H

Need to order a Starbucks box of coffee for work, church, a gathering or some other event? Here’s what you need to know!

The Starbucks traveler box of coffee comes with 96 ounces of coffee, which is enough for 12 separate 8 oz cups of coffee. It comes with the cups and the lids. It also comes with an array of sweetener options and stir sticks. And finally, it comes with a full cup of half and half with a lid and a stopper.

The empty box part on the side of the Starbucks traveler is where the stack of cups fits, and the full cup of half and half. The sweeteners and the sticks come in a bag that they hand to you with the box.

So you’ll literally have everything you need for people to drink black coffee, coffee with half and half, and several choices of sweetener including regular sugar, sugar in the raw, stevia in the raw, and Splenda.

A loaded Starbucks traveler box of coffee and bag of sweeteners inside a Starbucks store
Here’s what my Starbucks traveler box of coffee looked like before I carried it home and unpacked it. The cups are stacked on one side (the full cup of half and half is obscured behind the stack), and there’s a bag of stir sticks and sweeteners.

At the Starbucks I ordered from in Dallas, it was a flat $20 plus tax. But when they rang it up at a different Starbucks in Dallas where it turned out they were out of boxes and we had to cancel the order, I thought I remember it being $22. Maybe the $22 includes sales tax and that’s the difference. But your price should be somewhere around there.

This is the same price as a Dunkin’ Traveler box of coffee, so it’s a pretty good deal. McDonald’s doesn’t even sell a box of coffee anymore, so Dunkin’ and Starbucks are your top choices here.

I bought mine with standard Pike roast. You can also choose the other drip coffees that they offer like Dark Roast, Blonde Roast or Decaf.

When you order, they might make you wait a little bit for it. It took about 5 or 10 minutes to get mine, because they have to make sure they have enough drip coffee brewed to fill it, and then fill the box and prepare the other stuff that goes with it.

The coffee inside the box should stay hot at least half an hour to an hour if it’s full, because there’s a lot of liquid that sort of warms itself.

You can order the traveler with your Starbucks app, so you can order it 20 minutes ahead of time and pick it up when it’s ready and not have to wait inside the store like I did.

If I needed to bring coffee to a meeting or some other gathering, I would be happy with the coffee from either Starbucks or Dunkin’, because they both serve pretty good coffee. I would probably choose based on which store was closer to me and easier to pick up from.

But you know your own audience. If your friends or coworkers would be disappointed with Dunkin’ but excited about Starbucks or vice versa, I recommend choosing based on what they prefer. You’re going to be popular, bringing the coffee!

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